Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Shower belly

This is a picture from my amazingly fun baby shower at Lovejoy's Tea Room. We had a high tea service on Jan 20 at 4pm. 13 of my dearest girlfriends were able to attend and my beautiful mother-in-law, Harriet. We truly had a wonderful time. Please see link on the right if you want to see more pictures. Many thanks go out to Cindy Hart for organizing the fun afternoon.

P.S. Got a new craving over the past few weeks... fish tacos, yum!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

7 month belly

This is an artistic photo from Gusti

Cravings: Pretty much steak and clementines
Weight gained: still not sure... guessing a total of at least 23 pounds. Definately feeling pretty heavy!
Most memorable moment: Turned 30 years old! Woke up on my birthday to Zane kicking and realized just how lucky I am. I have an amazing husband and a baby boy in my belly... yes I am a sap but I do not care. =)

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Christmas Belly


Cravings: Finally over doughnuts, replaced them with a craving for clementines.
Weight gained: not sure... but think I gained at least 10 pounds over the holidays

Burrito Contest:

Right before X-mas, some friends and I had a burrito eating contest. I lost... but it was fun to try to out-eat some men while I have been eating for 2. Each burrito weighed 1.5lbs and we had to eat two of them. The guys finished 3 lbs of mexican meat, bean, and cheese bliss... but paid the consequences later. =)

9lbs of burritos

Justin declares himself the winner!

6 month belly

Cravings: Doughnuts and steak, what else is new?
What I miss most: WINE... I swear I am not a lush
Weight gained: 17 pounds
Most memorable moment: At the beginning of the month I had the kidney stone incident... wow that was really bad! Then I had around 2 weeks to re-coup before my smart decision to try to "save a candle" and ended up slicing my finger. 3 ER visits in one month, wow my husband is a rock! And he has few more gray hairs...

5 month belly

Cravings: Still love doughnuts, but began getting cravings for steak! Zane loves steak - or at least he moves a lot after I eat one, so I love steak so I can feel him kick!
What I miss most: eating a medium rare steak... this well done stuff sucks! (A sad day for a Texan)
Weight gained: 14 pounds
Most memorable moment: Week 19 found out Ziggy was a boy and promptly gave him the name Zane! Yippi! We celebrated his manhood by eating steak!

4 month belly

Cravings: still love doughnuts
What I miss most: WINE and sushi
Weight gained: 9 pounds
Most memorable moment: At week 14 I began to feel fluttering in my stomach, but definitely during week 15 I felt the baby kick. I was so excited! I love this kid already, can not wait until we find out if it is a girl or a boy!

3 month belly

Hello everyone! This is my little belly pudge at the end of the first trimester. Yes I am at a winery, but no I was not drinking. Just Shirley Temples for me!

Cravings: Doughnuts, all kinds
What I miss most: WINE
Weight gained: 5 pounds
Most memorable moment: Booted 8 times in one day, prompting my darling husband to give me Tiffany's. Yes ladies, I know I am spoiled.