Waiting for the version...
For those that are curious, we did try the External Cephalic Version. Prior to beginning, we decided to only try once to flip Zane... essentially we either get lucky and it works immediately or we would go for a c-section. My doctors were AMAZING and did a wonderful job. Zane was continually monitored and was never under distress. During the version, Zane got stuck in a "nook", and instead of trying to reverse the position (kind of like turning counter-clockwise), we opted for surgery. The rest as you can tell from Zane's blog was a HUGE success!
As far as my recovery, I am doing quite well. Although I can not compare it to a full labor, the kidney stone suffered in the 2nd trimester was far worse than the surgery and healing time of the c-section. On a pain scale of 1-10, passing the kidney stone was a full 10 and the c-section has never made it past a 5. (At least so far).
Thanks for all the concerns and wishes. Your prayers paid off, I am the luckiest woman alive. Have you seen how beautiful Zane is?
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